Due to the great support in 2016 & 2017 we have outgrown the current production capabilities of our building and are excited to announce we will be moving into our new facility in June 2017. During the move we will remain in full production and service however there may be periods of delay as we make these changes.
Our New Address is 21630 Hanover Ave, Lakeville Minnesota 55044
Our phone numbers and website will all remain the same.
Please note though, phones may be down briefly on Monday June 5th while they are transferred from one facility to the other but will be trying to minimize any and all delays.
If you experience any phone connection errors during this time, we will still be here ready to assist you so please be sure to contact us by Email or the Customer Service Form to the right.
We appreciate your support of American Manufacturing and we are excited to be able to expand our team, our growth, and our product for years to come!
Thank you for being a part of Sabre Nation!
Customer Service Form
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